Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Weekend Curse

My weight loss has been slow lately. I need to lose another thirty pounds and I feel like it's going to take me forever at this rate. My first twenty came off pretty quickly and now it has been slow going. I hate what I call the weekend curse. I do so good throughout the week and lose 2 or 3 pounds and then the weekend comes and I totally blow it. Me and the hubby are big on getting a date every week and having my parents living in the same town makes that possible. Our date night always includes food. I always plan on ordering a salad but almost every time I tell myself I deserve it for doing so good all week. It's retarded I know. And then Sunday comes around and after church we always have a nice meal and I always eat way too much. And there goes all my hard work I put in during the week. Does anyone else experience this? Anyone have any advice? I will take it!! I've got to start upping my game. I am determined to lose thirty pounds by July. I don't want to be in my fat clothes all summer, I have a box of adorable "skinny" summer clothes waiting for me in the garage. If I'm not in them by July I'm going to be so mad at myself. Somebody give me some tips!


  1. I gained 20 lbs over last summer and when I hit a 'certain' weight after Christmas, it was enough for me! So the hubby and I devised a reward plan for weight loss and I've been doing good. The biggest thing for me was realizing what an actual serving size consists of. I don't think I had ever actually thought about it. So, for me to see this, I used an app that would help me count my calories and by doing this, I had to keep track of my servings. This helped me see that I was eating too much. By sticking to eating only how much I should, for a good 2-3 weeks my stomach shrunk to where I didn't want more than what I actually need. It takes some willpower to get to that, but just keep in mind that once that 2-3 week hump is crossed, it's nice. I do not restrict what I eat, just how much. But I do try to stay away from sweets and drink TONS of water...
    Probably more info than you wanted, but here it is! I'm down 25 lbs since January, and I honestly haven't exercised at all, this is strictly diet change.

  2. Quit being such a pansy!! Think of how you would feel in those "skinny" clothes. Does that feeling out weigh the satisfaction of the crappy food? Tell your hubby to get on track with you. Definitely helps when two are motivated rather than one. Christy just started this 10 day diet thing (can't remember the name) and she has lost a bunch. She's also riding about 20 miles a day so I guess that helps too. Hang in, you were doing so good, keep it up.
